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The Trumpet Call For The 11th Hour Laborers - the Philippines Mission Trip

Our Service in the Philippines

Thank you for joining with us on this trip to the Philippines and Japan through your prayers and financial giving. The Lord used you to make possible all that was accomplished! The following is a summary and narrative highlighting events of our two weeks in the Philippines and one week in Japan.

We believe that a trumpet call is blasting from heaven calling a generation to prepare the way for the coming King of kings and Lord of lords. This is not a call to the rich, powerful, nor the famous but to an unknown and hidden people preserved by God to come forth in the 11th hour. All over the world, eleventh hour laborers are declaring and proclaiming the praises of the One who called them out of darkness into His marvelous light! These are the ones about whom it has been foretold that the last shall become the first! The Eleventh Hour Christian Initiatives is a ministry that we believe is called to equip, strengthen, and encourage those whom the Lord is raising up in this hour and time of history—a very challenging time in the world but a promising time in God’s Kingdom!


In the Philippines, every Bible school and church gathering began with passionate and Spirit-filled worship. There was no thought of time or weariness as worshippers tarried in God's presence, lifting their voices in holy, unified, and passionate praise. This was true in three different locations—Antipolo, Manila, and Baguio—in a total of 17 different services! When the people worship in the Philippines, it’s as though they

are the modern-day tribe of Levi who were set apart by God to enter the most holy place and to offer God the sacrifices of their praise.

Often, God responds to the praises by magnifying His presence in waves and waves of manifest glory! Rivers of His Spirit flow throughout the congregation, releasing unspeakable joy, full of glory! This overflows into the rest of the service; the singing, praying, and preaching are ignited by God’s presence.  Altar calls were filled with surrendered hearts hungering and thirsting for more of God!

In the Philippines, worship means more than just praising God with our lips. It’s a lifestyle that involves making our words, our behavior, and our everyday life a fountain of praise to the Lord.

Phillipines Mission Trip

Our messages in the Philippines focused upon God’s primary calling upon the 11th Hour laborers, which is to fill the nations with the knowledge of God’s glory. It is the inward working of the Holy Spirit that makes believers the carriers and proclaimers of God’s glory, especially needed when deep darkness begins to cover the earth. “Christ in you, the hope of Glory “was the theme for all the services.

Phillipines Mission Trip

Our lives were greatly impacted by the love and hospitality that we experienced in ministry and fellowship with the body of Christ in the Philippines!

Phillipines Mission
Phillipines Mission

With the ZMI Bible School Students after 3 days of teaching!

In Manila at a Pastors Gathering

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