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Our Humble Beginnings

In the late 1980’s, while serving as a missionary in West Africa, Gary Ham began to preach a series of messages about the unique call of God which was upon people groups and nations from the emerging two-thirds world. The Parable of the Workers in the Vineyard, from Matthew chapter 20, served as the primary text for these messages.

March 2011 A Ministry is Born
1980-1990 Our Humble Beginnings

A Ministry is Born

The 11th Hour Christian Initiatives Inc. began in 2008 as missions church service agency. In keeping with the Parable of the Workers in the Vineyard, EHCI is committed to recruiting, equipping, and sending 11th hour Christian workers into fields of service, locally, nationally, and globally. In 2009, the book, It’s the 11th Hour, was published to further promote the message and the ministry which was started.

Caleb Ministry Launch

In 2009, 11HCI launched Caleb Ministries, a home-based missions outreach. This began when a small group of believers from different local churches came together with a shared burden to evangelize the lost and disciple new believers who live in high-need, high-poverty, and high-risk areas within the city of Rochester, New York.

2009 Caleb Ministry Launch
Caleb ministry - Pizza in the park
Caleb ministry - Pizza in the park


Make Us One

This is an annual Christian conference established in 2019 to serve as a catalyst for facilitating greater functional unity within the body of Christ. 


The Conference is putting a stake in the ground representing our commitment to Jesus’ prayer for the body of Christ to be One, (John 17):  I pray that they will all be one, just as you and I are one—as you are in me, Father, and I am in you. And may they be in us so that the world will believe you sent me.  


The Conference seeks to maximize the witness of Jesus Christ and the manifestation of His Glory throughout our region by the unity of the Spirit which is at work within the Church. (Ephesians 4:1-8)  

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